YouCut: A Chance to Help Us Cut Spending


For far too long, Americans have watched as the Democrat Majority in Washington has made promise after promise that they would responsibly manage the taxpayer's dollars -- but one promise we haven't seen many members keep is to take action to reduce our ever exploding deficit by actually cutting wasteful spending.

Many Americans have lost their jobs or have seen their pay and benefits reduced. Our nation's families and small business job providers are all tightening their belts -- all while they look at what's happening in Washington in disbelief.

Spending is out-of-control. We have a national debt over $13 trillion; an annual budget deficit of nearly $1.6 trillion; and within the first eight months of our current fiscal year, the federal government has accumulated $935 billion in deficit spending. Currently, we are right on track to meet last year's annual deficit record of $1.4 trillion. American taxpayers want spending reduced.

That is why Republican Whip Eric Cantor and the House Republicans have launched the YouCut project -- where we go over the heads of Nancy Pelosi and her allies in Congress to engage the American people in the effort to reduce the deficit and cut wasteful spending now.
YouCut gives Americans the opportunity to vote each week for one of five wasteful spending programs and Republicans will force a vote on the one receiving the most votes. As of this week, Americans have casted over 850,000 votes on YouCut programs.

So far, Americans have asked House Republicans to push for a vote on a proposal to sell excess federal property, saving taxpayers up to $15 billion; a vote to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which would generate over $30 billion in savings for taxpayers; a vote on a spending cut to eliminate the proposed federal employee pay raise that would have saved hard pressed American families $2 billion this year and nearly $30 billion over 10 years; and a spending cut that would have saved $2.5 billion a year and not undue reforms that will weaken our welfare program.

We can all agree that this is not too much to ask for our government to stop spending money that we do not have, while families across the nation are facing many financial challenges.

Since we started this effort the Democrat Majority has voted down each attempt to reduce spending, but we are forcing change. Democrat leaders in Congress are now scrambling to try and find cuts that they can support. If we force cuts, YouCut will have been a great success. But the Democrats will never cut spending if we don't keep up the pressure.

I encourage every American citizen to go to the YouCut website and make your voice heard in Congress and help get some fiscal sanity back in Washington today.

We must focus on what we can do to cut spending today, because every day we wait billions of dollars in new debt are passed along to our children and grandchildren. YouCut gives the American people a chance to say enough is enough.
